A wild, life-changing
adventure awaits
The experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, opened my eyes, helped me grow in confidence and empowered me to be the person I believe I was truly meant to be. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. It made me feel truly alive! From that point travel and adventure, particularly in Africa, became a huge part of my life.
Love Rhiannon – Namibia 2018

Relight your adventurous soul
You make breakfast and packed lunches, get the kids ready for school, head to your job, try to get a workout in, and come home exhausted. But then there’s the cooking, planning, and cleaning to do. Motherhood is never-ending, isn’t it?!
You begin to lose your personal identity and wonder when there will be time left for yourself. When the kids are grown, maybe, by then, it might be too late. Enough is enough, it’s YOUR time now. Don't wait.
While being a mother is the most important job you’ll ever have, it doesn’t mean you have to get lost in the dirty-washing pile and playdates. Putting your family first and providing for them is the greatest gift you can give, but not at the cost of burnout or giving up on your dreams.
Bespoke women only adventures
Our adventures are made with love and everything that’s in our hearts and souls. We collaborate with other equally as passionate people offering authentic and unforgettable experiences, exclusive adventures and wild retreats for the Maverick Mums community. You can come with a friend or alone, but we always introduce you to your adventure buddies before you travel with a group chat.
Bookings are now open for 2025 and 2026!
Join us for a Namibian Wilderness Adventure tracking Desert Elephants, or an immersive conservation experience of re-wilding in Zimbabwe.
Adventures with Maverick Mums
I feel very strongly about the need to facilitate empowering adventures especially for mums of all ages and backgrounds, from all parts of the world to meet and support one other on their journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, wilderness, nature, awareness and authenticity.
Perhaps you're at a transitional point in your life? You may have young children at home or older children who have left home? You feel like there’s something missing, something else you’re meant to do? You may feel lost, like you just don’t know who you are anymore or what you stand for, what you believe in? Or you may just want an incredible, wild adventure!
Our adventures will allow you to step out of your comfort zone and encourage a shift in your current thinking or belief around who you are and your current situation. You will return home feeling empowered and ready to take action and to make changes to your life.
Step out of your comfort zone with Maverick Mums
Ready to experience a real adventure with us?
Overseas adventures for 2025/26:
Maverick Mums Matriarch Adventure
SEP 2025
Zimbabwe Rewilding Adventure
Join our WhatsApp Community
“To start with I wasn't sure if Maverick Mums was for me, being an older mum of grown up daughters and grandchildren. I was so wrong. Joining the group has been amazing. Everyone is so friendly, welcoming and absolutely no judgements whatsoever. We are all at different stages in life but that's ok.
Maverick Mums has given me the confidence to do things I never would have tried before and that is down to the other members, and especially Rhiannon.”